Faith Cheltenham: Evokes Ways to Support LGBTQ Community


The life of the LGBTQ community is not easy as society does not perceive bisexuals, gays, transgender, and lesbians. Somehow, they have a great struggle, either its equality issue or their health issues. Getting discriminated in society is one of the permanent problems for the LGBTQ community, and they start living alone, initiating the onset of depression and substance abuse. Not only this but refusing to employ these people in the offices lead them to live a life that they don’t deserve.


So, it is the need to be caregivers for the LGBTQ community and find different ways to let them achieve equality as it is the right of every individual living in the society. Making them live freely in society is the individual's right. So, the community needs to get educated to assist the LGBTQ community to make them live freely without imparting levels of discrimination. Cheltenham illustrates that society needs to opt the ways to treat the LGBTQ community as the resources but not as the liability. 


Apart from this, society needs culturally proficient caregiving to the group. It is because there lies a stigma in society when it comes to their equality. They are discarded in society and mistreated. Consequently, the culture needs to focus on the ways to make them give a welcoming environment, so they also feel respected in the society. There still exist people in society that question them about their sexual orientation. 


It makes them struggle to open out in public, and in such situations, these people generally start separating, leading to initiate depression and other mental illnesses. So, accepting the sexual orientation of such a community is the need of the present generation to make them comfortably live their life. Above all, one thing that can help society to support the LGBTQ community is to accept the things and make the efforts to raise awareness to make their lives better.


On the Final Note, Faith Cheltenham is one of the activists working to uplift the LGBTQ community. Cheltenham worked on the ground basis to make their lives better. Cheltenham provided them better job opportunities so they can live their life on their terms. Not only this, Cheltenham spoke at San Diego Comic-Con, the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, and Creating Change Conference as a social activist in the year 1999. Therefore, it exemplifies that society needs to get educated to make LGBTQ people attain the same equality as the other people of the society have.
